Welcome the newest version!
Velvet is a free open source chess engine written in Rust, licensed under the GPL v3.0.

Source: GitHub
Behind the velvet curtain...

...Hides a real and strong chess aggressor who can play in an extremely impressive style - you can find examples here.
Velvet, is one of my most favorite chess engines. Why? Because it plays exceptional chess. And while there is no shortage of equally strong or more powerful chess engines - none of them play like Velvet can :)
Here is an example of what latest Velvet is capable to an opponent with a strength of well over 3000 Elo; white: Sting SF 28 AI, black: Velvet-5.0.0.
Having previously sacrificed Rook, Velvet does not hesitate to give extra to Bishop to get the white King!

After playing 700 games, the latest Velvet-5.0.0 has settled at 3342 Elo
This is 55 Elo more than its previous version 4.1.0.

Source: MCERL (ongoing)
Here's what author Mr. Martin Honert has added to the latest version.
Add support for MultiPV analysis
Add support for UCI "go mate ..." command
Add support for UCI "go searchmoves ..." command
Improved training set generator and NN trainer
New neural network based upon 4.1.0 self-play training data
Some minor search improvements
Some minor optimizations
Update to latest Rust version (1.66.0)
It is worth noting the new MultiPV Analysis function, which will certainly be useful for multivariate analysis of chess positions.

Program: Hiarcs Chess Explorer Pro (custom pieces & board theme)
Thanks to Mr. Martin Honert, the chess community has the opportunity to use Velvet chess engine on various devices and operating systems.
Feel free to visit the downloads section.
Android – Compiled by Archimedes
Linux arm64 – Compiled by Darius
Linux x86_64 – Compiled by Mr. Martin Honert
macOS – Compiled by Mr. Martin Honert
Windows x86_64 – Compiled by Mr. Martin Honert