Dear Reader,
I want to start by thanking you for your past support and involvement in the development of

I am pleased to report that the number of Readers is growing extremely fast.
I am glad that more and more people are visiting the pages of our blog and using the reviews, courses, articles and downloading chess engines. Our community of Readers already numbers in the thousands, and I am very proud of that. Thanks to Readers and their feedback, I am sure that my work is bearing fruit and that the content is reaching a wider and wider audience.
At the same time...
Due to the increased traffic, I need funds to maintain the site and invest in the tools and software needed to further develop it and provide even better content and services.
I am considering introducing advertising or paid subscription
So that I can maintain the high quality of the site and provide you, Dear Reader, with the best possible experience while using
What is important to me is...
What you think about such a solution.
Beginning today, I have started sending a survey link to registered and active members of the Chessengeria community.
If you have not yet received an invitation to complete the survey, please check your email inbox or write to me for the survey link.
Your answers are essential to me, and your opinion will help me decide the best direction for our blog.
Once again, thank you very much for being a member of the community of Readers.
I believe that our chess journey together will continue and bring much benefit and satisfaction.
If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, don't hesitate to contact me. I am here for you.
Of course, the comments section below this post is also at your disposal.
Thank you for your trust,
Darius, founder