You are cordially invited to read the 2022-11-18 edition of the MCERL rating list.

A screenshot from Deep Shredder 13
Are the results achieved by chess engines running on a Mac surprising ?
Yes and No.
Yes, Older engines can play wonderfully, even thrillingly, and with great power. For example, OliThink on Mac boasts a strength of 3026 Elo. I invite you to read the posts on the topic of Oldie goldie ( example ).
No, I was happy to engage the Rodent engine with Tal's personality, trusting that he would reach at least a grandmaster ranking and show how to play in the style of the Eighth World Chess Champion. I was not disappointed, Rodent (Tal) reached 2769 Elo which corresponds to the strength of a grandmaster of the world's top players.
Enjoy :)