Dear Chessengeria.eu readers,
I would like to share with you the exciting news about the changes I have made to Chessengeria.eu based on the results of the survey we conducted.
We are pleased to announce that, in accordance with your wishes, the Files section is being vigorously developed, with new chess engines being added almost daily. A number of chess programs have also appeared, as many of you suggested this idea in the survey, and I am happy to introduce it to our blog.
As of April 1, 2023, there are more than 15 GB of chess software in the Files section!
In fact, there are many more chess engines in the Files section than you can see in the Forum entries. And virtually every one of them comes in versions for multiple operating systems, such as Linux, Mac and Windows, and in versions for different CPU's.
I would venture to say that...
There is probably no other place on the Internet so comprehensively providing legal access to the latest and those classic chess engines and software.
We are also enriching our other sections such as Oldie - Goldie and Reviews with new entries, following our existing formula of providing reliable, accurate and comprehensive content.
Today, a comprehensive review of the latest version of the Scid 5 program for handling and managing chess game databases and engines will be published.
Based on the survey results, I am introducing a consultation service for a more personalized approach. Many of you have expressed interest in this service, and I am happy to accommodate.
A Group has also been established for supportive readers to exchange ideas, files, experiences, etc. We have received a positive response from the majority of respondents, and we believe this will be a good addition to the site. The entrance to the Group is on the navigation bar at the top of the page.
Most readers are willing to accept ads. Therefore, they have appeared, but not in all only on selected sections of the blog; I hope they are not intrusive and will not negatively affect the reading experience.
I have introduced an all-inclusive subscription offer that will provide access to all content and files on the site. To meet the needs of readers who would like to take advantage of a significantly reduced subscription price, will appear annual subscription options with prices per month as much as tens of percent lower.
What else? In the meantime, there have been additional requests to make the courses available as PDF files, allowing convenient reading on various devices and also when there is no internet access. This request has been accepted; I am currently working on the electronic composition of the courses into PDF files. In addition to PDF files, the courses will also be made available in EPUB format files, which will allow reading on an even wider range of different devices, such as e-book readers. The courses in PDF and EPUB are likely to be made available this month, April 2023.
A great deal of different content is available on Chessengeria.eu for free, e.g. News, Oldie-Goldie, MCERL, Reviews, etc. including chess engine downloads from posts (News section) and selected content from articles, how-to, courses and reviews sections.
This is intended, among other things, to allow new readers to familiarize themselves with our blog.
Perhaps I will create a list of all chess engines and programs that are in the Files section. Currently, you can go to the Forum to the chess engines section to find out which are for prepared downloads.
Some of the changes described above will not take effect until May 1, 2023 at the earliest.
Why only from May 1, 2023 ?
As a heartfelt thank you for your support, starting today, i.e. April 1, 2023, I am making available a Premium Plan giving access to all Chessengeria.eu resources and the Files section with chess engines and programs for a promotional price.
$0.99 for the first month of subscription - this is the lowest possible promotional price.
The $0.99 package will only be available until the end of April 2023.
I firmly believe that these measures will provide readers with the best possible experience of using our blog.
Chessengeria.eu is a place created together with readers. If there is a need for changes in the future, they will be implemented. However, I will always, and I emphasize always, consult with you dear readers on key issues through surveys; every voice is important and readers are most important to me.
Once again, I would like to sincerely thank all of you for filling out the survey and for your help, support and involvement in the development of Chessengeria.eu.
founder of Chessengeria.eu.